bambinata (punishing: gray raven)

A playable character of Punishing: Gray Raven, she is the step-sister and a member of the Egret squadron lead by Vanessa. Voiced by Hidaka Rina. Her Vitrum frame is originally designed by D.K.


Bambinata is very petite in appearance, most child like amongst all playable Constructs. She has two-toned black and white hair with blue eyes, typically depicted as a marionette puppet dancing ballet (ballerina) with puppet strings attached to her.

List of playable frames of Bambinata

The following tags implicate this tag: bambinata:_vitrum_(punishing:_gray_raven) and bambinata:_vitrum_(swan_lake)_(punishing:_gray_raven) (learn more).

《惩罚:灰鸦》中的一个可玩角色,她是瓦妮莎领导的白鹭中队的继姐妹和成员。由日高里奈配音。她的 Vitrum 框架最初是由 D.K. 设计的。

Bambinata 的外观非常娇小,是所有可玩构造体中最受孩子喜爱的。她有一头黑白两色的头发和蓝色的眼睛,通常被描绘成一个牵着木偶绳子跳舞的木偶芭蕾舞演员(芭蕾舞演员)。

以下标签暗示此标签:bambinata:_vitrum_(punishing:_gray_raven) 和 bambinata:_vitrum_(swan_lake)_(punishing:_gray_raven)(了解更多)。
类型 角色
英文名 bambinata (punishing: gray raven)
日文名 バンビナータ
别名 ;邦比娜塔;バンビナータ;밤비;琉璃